Rok wydania: 2022
Numer czasopisma: 10
Słowa kluczowe: kontrakt psychologiczny, identyfikacja organizacyjna, systematyczny przegląd literatury
Strony: 10-17
Język publikacji: Polski
Kontrakt psychologiczny a identyfikacja organizacyjna: systematyczny przegląd literatury
W ostatnich latach kontrakt psychologiczny coraz częściej nabiera na znaczeniu, w szczególności w kontekście identyfikacji organizacyjnej. Jednak wiedza na ten temat jest wciąż niejednoznaczna w szczególności z uwzględnieniem rodzajów kontraktu psychologicznego. Niniejsza publikacja ma charakter koncepcyjny i stanowi przyczynek do rozpoczęcia dyskusji w postaci syntezy wiedzy na temat znaczenia kontraktu psychologicznego i jego rodzajów dla identyfikacji organizacyjnej. Dokonano przeglądu 42 publikacji pozyskanych
z międzynarodowych elektronicznych baza danych: Scopus oraz Web of Science. Wyniki analizy treści publikacji pokazują, że relacyjny wymiar kontraktu psychologicznego ma największe znaczenie dla identyfikacji organizacyjnej.
1. Ali Arain G., Bukhari S., Hameed I., Lacaze D.M., Bukhari Z. (2018), Am I Treated Better than My Co-worker? A Moderated Mediation Analysis of Psychological Contract Fulfillment, Organizational Identification, and Voice, „Personnel Review”, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 1133–1151.
2. Ashforth B.E., Mael F. (1989), Social Identity Theory and the Organization, „Academy of management review”, Vol. 14, pp. 20–39.
3. Ashforth B.E., Harrison S.H., Corley K.G. (2008), Identification in Organizations: An Examination of Four Fundamental Questions, „Journal of Management”, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 325–374.
4. Bal P.M., Chiaburu D.S., Jansen P.G.W. (2010), Psychological Contract Breach and Work Performance: Is Social Exchange a Buffer or an Intensifier? „Journal of Managerial Psychology”, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 252–273.
5. Bordia P., Restubog S.D., Bordia S., Tang R.L. (2010), Breach Begets Breach: Trickle-down Effects of Psychological Contract Breach on Customer Service, „Journal of Management”, No. 36, pp. 1578–1607.
6. Botha L., Steyn R. (2020), Psychological Contract Breach and Innovative Work Behaviour: Systematic Literature Review, „The Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management”, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 1–8.
7. Bunderson J. S. (2001), How Work Ideologies Shape the Psychological Contracts of Professional Employees: Doctor's Responses to Perceived Breach, „Journal of Organizational Behavior”, Vol. 7, No. 22., pp. 717–741.
8. Casado R., Caspersz D. (2019), Changing Psychological Contracts and Organisational Commitment: A Longitudinal Comparison of Assigned and Self-initiated Expatriates in Australia, „The International Journal of Human Resource Management”, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 1–23.
9. Choi J., Lee B. (2014), A Study on the Influence of Authentic Leadership on Psychological Contract: Mediating Roles of Procedural Justice and Leader Trust, „Korean Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology”, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 21–54.
10. Coetzee M., Deas A. (2021), Redefining the Psychological Contract in the Digital Era: Issues for Research and Practice, Spinger, Cham.
11. Conway N., Briner R.B. (2005), Understanding Psychological Contracts at Work: A Critical Evaluation of Theory and Research, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
12. Conway N., Guest D.E., Trenberth L. (2011), Testing the Differential Effects of Changes in Psychological Contract Breach and Fulfillment, „Journal of Vocational Behavior”, Vol. 79, No. 1, pp. 267–276.
13. Coyle-Shapiro J.A.-M., Costa S.P., Doden W., Chang C. (2019), Psychological Contracts: Past, Present, and Future, „Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior”, No. 6, pp. 145–169.
14. Cullinane N., Dundon T. (2006), The Psychological Contract: A Critical Review, „International Journal of Management Reviews”, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 113–129.
15. Czakon W. (2013), Metodyka systematycznego przeglądu literatury [w:] Czakon W. (red.), Podstawy metodologii badań w naukach o zarządzaniu, Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa, s. 47–67.
16. Danilwan Y., Isnaini D.B.Y., Pratama I. (2020), Psychological Contract Violation: A Bridge between Unethical Behavior and Trust, „Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy”, Vol. 11, No. 7.
17. De Vos A., Buyens D., Schalk R. (2005), Making Sense of a New Employment Relationship: Psychological Contract-related Information Seeking and the Role of Work Values and Locus of Control, „International Journal of Selection and Assessment”, Vol. 13, pp. 41–52.
18. Dhanpat N., Nemarumane L., Ngobeni N. P., Nkabinde D., Noko S. (2019), Psychological Contract and Job Security among call centre agents: preliminary evidence, „Journal of Psychology in Africa”, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 73–79.
19. Epitropaki O. (2013), A Multi-level Investigation of Psychological Contract Breach and Organisational Identification through the Lens of Perceived Organisational Membership: Testing a Moderated-mediated Model, „Journal of Organizational Behavior”, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 65–86.
20. Falagas M.E., Pitsouni E.I., Malietzis G.A., Pappas G. (2008), Comparison of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar: Strengths and Weaknesses, „The FASEB Journal”, Vol. 22, No. 2, 338–342.
21. Haslam S.A., Powell C., Turner J.C. (2000), Social Identity, Self-categorization and
Work Motivation: Rethinking the Contribution of the Group to Positive and Sustainable Organizational Outcomes, „Applied Psychology”, pp. 319–339.
22. Heery E., Noon M. (2001), A Dictionary of Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
23. Hoye R., Kappelides P. (2021), The Psychological Contract and Volunteering: A Systematic Review, „Nonprofit Management and Leadership”, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 665–691.
24. Jeong J., Kurnia S., Samson D., Cullen S. (2018), Psychological Contract in IT Outsourcing: A Systematic Literature Review, Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICCS, Waikoloa Village, pp. 135–144.
25. Johnson S.A., Ashforth B.E. (2008), Externalization of Employment in a Service Environment: The role of Organizational and Customer Identification, „Journal of Organizational Behavior”, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 287–309.
26. Kitchenham B.A., Charters S. (2007), Guidelines for Performing Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering, Technical Report EBSE-2007–01, School of Computer Science and Mathematics, Keele University, Keele.
27. Kreiner G.E., Ashforth B.E. (2004), Evidence toward an Expanded Model of Organizational Identification, „Journal of Organizational Behavior”, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 1–27.
28. Kula M.E. (2017), An Extended Research on Subordinates Leader Member Exchange (LMX) Degree, Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Identification, Annals Constantin Brancusi U. Targu Jiu, Letters & Soc. Sci. Series, Vol. 2, pp. 78–87.
29. Lee H.W., Liu C.H. (2009), The Relationship among Achievement Motivation, Psychological Contract and Work Attitudes, „Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal”, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 321–328.
30. Lenart-Gansiniec R. (2021), Systematyczny przegląd literatury w naukach społecznych. Przewodnik dla studentów, doktorantów i nie tylko, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa.
31. Liu W., Chen X., Lu X., Fan X. (2021), Exploring the Relationship between Users' Psychological Contracts and their Knowledge Contribution in Online Health Communities, „Frontiers in Psychology”, Vol. 12.
32. Liu W., He C., Jiang Y., Ji R., Zhai X. (2020), Effect of Gig Workers’ Psychological Contract Fulfillment on their Task Performance in a Sharing Economy—A Perspective from the Mediation of Organizational Identification and the Moderation of Length of Service, „International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health”, Vol. 17, No. 7, art. 2208.
33. Lu V.N., Capezio A., Restubog S.L.D., Garcia P.R., Wang L. (2016), In Pursuit of Service Excellence: Investigating the Role of Psychological Contracts and Organizational Identification of Frontline Hotel Employees, „Tourism Management”, Vol. 56, pp. 8–19.
34. Masterson S.S., Stamper C.L. (2003), Perceived Organizational Membership: An Aggregate Framework Representing the Employee–organization Relationship, „Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior”, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 473–490.
35. McInnis K.J., Meyer J.P., Feldman S. (2009), Psychological Contracts and their Implications for Commitment: A Feature-based Approach, „Journal of Vocational Behavior”, Vol. 74, No. 2, pp. 165–180.
36. Millward L.J., Brewerton P.M. (1999), Contractors and their Psychological Contracts, „British Journal of Management”, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 253–274.
37. Millward L.J., Hopkins L.J. (1998), Psychological Contracts, Organizational and Job Commitment, „Journal of Applied Social Psychology” Vol. 28, No. 16, pp. 1530–1556.
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39. Mutendi D., De Braine R., Dhanpat N. (2019), Psychological Contract Influence on Organisational Identification among Call Centre Employees, „Journal of Psychology in Africa”, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 388–392.
40. Ng T.W., Feldman D.C., Butts M.M. (2014), Psychological Contract Breaches and Employee Voice Behaviour: The Moderating Effects of Changes in Social Relationships, „European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology”, Vol. 23, No. 4, 537–553.
41. Ngo H.Y., Loi R., Foley S. (2013), Perceived Job Insecurity, Psychological Capital and Job Attitudes: An Investigation in Hong Kong, „International Journal of Employment Studies”, Vol. 21, No. 1, 58–79.
42. Pavlou P.A., Gefen D. (2005), Psychological Contract Violation in Online Marketplaces: Antecedents, Consequences, and Moderating Role, „Information Systems Research”, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 372–399.
43. Restubog S.L.D., Hornsey M.J., Bordia P., Esposo S.R. (2008), Effects of Psychological Contract Breach on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: Insights from the Group Value Model, „Journal of Management Studies”, Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 1377–1400.
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50. Sarantinos V. (2008), Psychological Contract in Small Firms: A Managerial Insight, „Asian Social Science”, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 49–56.
51. Schuster T., Bader B., Bader A.K., Rousseau D.M. (2022), When Foreign Waves Hit Home Shores: Organizational Identification in Psychological Contract Breach–violation Relationships during International Assignments, „Journal of Organizational Behavior”, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 369–385.
52. Seeck H., Diehl M.R. (2017), A Literature Review on HRM and Innovation–taking Stock and Future Directions, „The International Journal of Human Resource Management”, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 913–944.
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55. Tseng L.-M., Wu J.-Y. (2017), How Can Financial Organizations Improve Employee Loyalty? The Effects of Ethical Leadership, Psychological Contract Fulfillment and Organizational Identification, „Leadership & Organization Development Journal”, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 679–698.
56. Tufan P., Wendt H. (2020), Organizational Identification as a Mediator for the Effects of Psychological Contract Breaches on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Insights from the Perspective of Ethnic Minority Employees, „European Management Journal”, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 179–190.
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59. Zagenczyk T.J., Cruz K.S., Woodard A.M., Walker J.C., Few W.T., Kiazad K., Raja M. (2013), The Moderating effect of Machiavellianism on the Psychological Contract Breach –Organizational Identification/disidentification Relationships, „Journal of Business and Psychology”, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 287–299.
60. Zagenczyk T.J., Gibney R., Few W.T., Scott K.L. (2011), Psychological Contracts and Organizational Identification: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Organizational Support, „Journal of Labor Research”, Vol. 32, No 3, pp. 254–281.
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